Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2008

Video: "Be the Dinosaur traveling museum exhibit - Hunting Pair"

Video: "Be the Dinosaur traveling museum exhibit - Hunting Pair" von "EurekaExhibits" bei Youtube

Beschreibung des Videoclips:

Note: This video shows off the artificial intelligence of the dinosaurs in the exhibit. The video was "shot" like a wildlife documentary in that all of the behaviors were observed, they occurred in real-time with no foreknowledge on our part of the events - I just had to rush and get the camera into as good a position as I could to record the events. Afterwards, like a wildlife documentary, we assessed the footage captured and edited it together to "tell the story".

Be the Dinosaur allows museum visitors to do what they have always wanted to do - to "become" dinosaurs. Taking control of a digital animal in a detailed simulated ecosystem replete with wind currents that circulate odors, plant life with different nutritional values, artificially intelligent dinosaurs, mammals, reptiles and birds, etc..

Visitors need to learn what a dinosaur would have known by instinct - knowledge about the environment, where to find food, what foods are better than others, how to defend or hunt, etc. in order to survive the virtual cretaceous.

Take control of your virtual dinosaur and decide for yourself: were tyrannosaurs hunters, scavengers or both? Did they hunt in packs or as solitary creatures? How would terrain impact an animal's lifestyle? Try the behaviors for yourself and decide!

For more information contact:

Eureka Exhibits
908 644 3477
A hands-on exhibit combining virtual and physical aspects for the entire family.

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